Cardiovalens is committed to providing high-quality and trustworthy content to our readers. Our advertising policy ensures that any advertisements displayed on our website align with our mission, values, and the best interests of our audience. This policy outlines the guidelines and principles we follow in accepting and displaying advertisements.
We welcome user feedback and concerns regarding advertisements displayed on our website. If you have any questions, issues, or feedback related to advertising, please contact us at [email protected] We take user feedback into consideration and evaluate it to improve our advertising practices.
Please note that the presence of advertisements on our website does not imply endorsement or recommendation by Diabetovalens. Users are encouraged to conduct their own research and exercise discretion when engaging with advertised products or services.
This advertising policy is subject to periodic review and updates to ensure it aligns with current industry standards and best practices.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our advertising policy, please contact us at
Last updated: 14th October, 2023